The Purge Project: Take 3

Sorry, I’ve been away from BLOG. I got sick and just overall, preoccupied. I didn’t forget about my purge project, but don’t expect me to keep on it every day or something. It will come out whenever.

Right now I am trying to get ready to go to my opening in Irvine, which should be small and casual. I did get into the “picks” in the Jewish Journal this week though, so maybe that will send a few extra people in, plus it’s not raining today.

Before I get dressed and all that, I wanted to post a few free books. I figure I’ll give books away in small groupings. Here are 5 books, one is on CD…

The Handmaid’s Tale: Margaret Atwood
Now is the Time to Open Your Heart: Alice Walker (on CD)
Bee Season: Myla Goldberg
Notes of a Dirty Old Man: Charles Bukowski
The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills: Charles Bukowski

They are all paperback and in used condition, but what do you want for free? None are damaged or anything, and they are all GREAT books. First to claim them, gets em.

3 thoughts on “The Purge Project: Take 3

  1. Shana Kohnstamm March 8, 2010 / 9:14 am

    Oooo.. Great collection. I’ll happily take & read them!

    How did the opening go? I had a few pieces in a group show that opened yesterday at the JCC here in Nashville. Nice turnout, but the best was an 8 yr old fella who asked every artist about their work and collected business cards. Amazing.

  2. juno March 8, 2010 / 11:55 pm

    i’d very happily have notes from a dirty old man but i’m in the uk which means huge postage costs, i imagine

  3. Kel in NC March 9, 2010 / 11:09 am

    Shana,it seems that 8 year old already knows what he wants.Truling amazing.

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