Well, I got overly busy again. I don’t know why I do this to myself, but whatever. I do it.
I decided to build my own artist’s forum. Not too many people have joined up yet, but it’s here: CreativeSpark.art. If you’re an artist, please register and participate!
Mjp helped me put it together, of course. I can’t do stuff like that without him. He even thought up the domain name. I needed something that could appeal to everyone across the board, nothing too clever or smart-ass.
If I still had a Facebook account, that would have been a great way to get members, but I shut it down a while back. I had about 2000 friends. I tried to reinstate it, but apparently, I deleted it fully and completely. It’s gone forever.
All I really have is Instagram, Twitter (which I hardly use), and ello–where I have about 6K followers. But announcing a community forum is probably not something ello wants to promote since they are a creative community in and of themselves.
In other news, I just finished up the bulk of the SEO for my website. That was a significant job. There’s still more to do in terms of finishing all the artwork descriptions (250 to go) and getting more text on some of my pages. I took pieces of essays and reviews from art writers and stuck them on various groupings of art pages, like so. I added short statements of my own below each of them. Here’s another.
Recently, I did a brief interview on Industry Experts. I answered a few interesting questions, so check it out if you’d like to read that there.
I should probably get back to my series of bags, but I got sidetracked with all of the above. And because I’ve been sitting at my desk so much, I’ve been fiddling with my novel. I’m kind of on a roll there once I figured out exactly how I wanted to write it. I got a voice for it, and now it’s been taking off, which is great news. For me. It’s important to like what you write, at least for a little while.