And So

I guess I should be promoting the upcoming Hwy 62 Open Studio Art Tours. It starts the first weekend in October, and I’m participating with artists Teresa Watson and Lili Todd. We are sharing Teresa’s studio near “downtown” Joshua Tree and will be there all three weekends: October 7th and 8th, 14th and 15th, and 21st and 22nd from 10 am to 5 pm.

It’s a small studio, so I’m mostly showing little watercolors at slashed prices for this brief moment in time and only in person. The location and some of the details are on my news page here.

This past Friday, I started setting up my area of the studio and got most of it completed. I just have to do a few more tweaks next week, and I’ll be very close to being ready. It’s taken a bit of work to get everything prepared, but it’s been nothing like it was when I did this the first time. I didn’t think I would ever do the Tours again after that year, but here I am giving it another effort.

Meanwhile, I haven’t been able to return to oil painting for some time, but I will soon. I’m nearly done with that fifth piece in the Discarded Snapshots series. It just needs a few more hours or so.

Check the Pulse (In Progress) 2023. Oil on gessoboard, 16 x 16 inches:

Re: Blogging:

I’ve also put a lot of thought into this blog and how I want to proceed. I haven’t made any real set-in-stone decisions as of yet, but I am thinking about it a lot. As I mentioned in my last post, I keep wondering if I should start another blog or maybe continue with this one, only change the focus to more important things than art. Like, I could go the route of exposing more of the abuses of Scientology. Although that might not interest everyone, it was part of my life for some twenty years, and I know a lot about the inner workings. I have my own story/stories. Many stories that I may or may not want to reveal here.

The recent Danny Masterson case—he and his clan are a good example of how the social structure operates in the cult. Those folks were much younger than I was at the time, but I knew a number of them on the periphery. I always knew he was a douchebag by the parties he threw. But that’s the least of my personal experience. His case represents something bigger, not only for me but for millions of rape victims who have not been able to get justice. One of those reasons is that Scientology protects its members, especially its celebrities or their people of “importance.” And all this has finally come out in the mainstream news. Maybe now people will believe what really happens inside this criminal enterprise.

So, that’s an option I’m considering. I could write about all that, or I can keep my trap shut and just continue to write about art and all my battles with trying to make something of my life.

2 thoughts on “And So

  1. Hannah September 17, 2023 / 9:01 am

    *Trying* to make something of your life? You’ve already made more of your life than most of the people who have lived and died over the past couple hundreds of thousands of years. Word, as the kids say.

    • Ayin Es September 22, 2023 / 9:05 am

      Do the kids say that? 😉

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