I recently made a blog post on my other blog — my “writing” blog, Shrapnel in the San Fernando Valley, about how close to “done” I was with the rewrite of my book. That post is titled, June 1st, because that’s when it will be all wrapped up: before four days from today. However, as far as the actual rewriting goes: I AM DONE!
I probably should announce this news on that blog, but I wanted to mention it here first, as I have been away from my art for so long, it’s all I think about lately. I am enthusiastic about getting back to it. I will be working on new watercolor paintings, and will finally be able to post visuals… of art. I am looking forward to it.
There’s not much more to say, other than, I feel really relieved to be finished. It’s been many years. I’ve said I was done with this a couple times over now, and I am glad that I’m not going to fuck with it again. It’s time for me to move on. I like it today, I may not like it tomorrow, but this is a feeling I am learning to live with. Nothing is perfect.
I’ve been isolated, holed up in my “thing.” For those of you who have been trying to connect, I apologize. It’s just that I’m taking care of myself and my needs, and I’ve needed this time. I’ll come back into the sun soon.
I am only sad I could not fit the dozens and dozens of stories, and aspects of my life into this book, the amazing people I’ve known, friends and lovers, experiences I’ve had, lessons I’ve learned, and on and on. The fact of the matter is, there are only so many pages I could limit things to. But, at least I’ve learned I have endless books in me. I won’t be able to write them all before I’m too old to work a computer.
Thanks for sharing my announcement with me. 🙂