Well today was the last day of printing during my all-too-short residency at Self Help Graphics. I am one of 10 women chosen by SHG and Yolanda Gonzalez for the 2008 Maestra’s Atelier. Here is Master Printer Jose Alpuche hard at work on my print, with Assistant Printer and son, Ivan Alpuche. We had a lot of fun taking breaks and being smart-asses, but mostly I am overflowing with gratitude that I was able to learn the art of screen printing with such a talented printer as Joe. I’m already thinking about my next print!
Staring at the same image for the last 2 weeks has driven me absolutely batty. My fingers seem to be permanently stained with rapidograph ink from working on the 7 different acetates. It takes rubbing alcohol to erase your mistakes or make any changes, but once the acetate is shot and exposed onto the screen, you kind of have to live with the result, so you have to be sure. Since I’m not sure about most things, I had to rely mostly on the guidance of the Master Printer. If he says to make your lines darker, you better listen, or else you’re one stupid culo.
Next week I will go in and sign and number my prints and take a good picture of how it turned out. I think it looks pretty cool, but like I said, I’ve been staring at it too long. A few SHG peeps came in and they liked it a lot. It was definitely something a little different than what’s usually printed there. The colors are very subtle. I’ll show it at you next weekend, but for now it’s relaxing time.
Self Help Graphics in the heart of East LA has been an important part of Los Angeles and the Chicano Movement since the early 1970s. They have earned national acclaim for their programs and services. Their amazing building on Caesar Chavez Ave. is surrounded by a local population of over two million Chicanos/Mexicanos. They are a vital community resource for the creation and presentation of art and culture. I am honored to be welcomed into their home.
I was also given a great gift from artist Peter Tovar. It is a little monoprint he was working on in the Etching Studio today. I’m just lucky all over.
And I will be getting a new print by Vincent Valdez since he is willing to make a trade. His new print is AMAZING! I can’t wait to have it in my home and show it off on my blog.