Galleys are here. The advance reading copies, proofs, or whatever you want to call them, here they be! It feels so good to have one in my hand and smell the pages. Very exciting.
Lots has been happening for Shrapnel in the San Fernando Valley. I’ve been marking and correcting all the formatting errors in these books and finally making a nice big dent in my “to-do” list. I’m also booking up my blog-tour schedule and writing content for people’s book and writing blogs for the month of March. I didn’t realize how much work that would be.
Also, any day now, mjp and I will make an announcement about our independent publishing project. We’ll blast that out on all our social networking–mine and his. I bet you can’t wait.
I’m trying to get advance reviews too, if you know anyone–either of note, or if you’d like to do a reader review of your own for Amazon–it will be on Amazon before you know it. Posting your insights there would be helpful. Just let me know if you want a digital copy and we’ll work it out.
I’ve been thinking about the various versions of my book now. I almost didn’t want to bother with anything special. I’m doing the regular paperback, hardcover, and eBook, of course, but I wasn’t going to do any sort of limited edition. Because I’m tired. Well, thanks to my friend Stephen Hines, who happens to be a naturally talented craftsman in writing and an authentically skilled and visceral painter to boot, I’ve changed my mind. If you can, check out his latest book of trans-formative short stories, The Late Season. After a couple of back and forths, Stephen encouraged me to do something.
Therefore, I’m putting my brain to work and will at least do a lettered edition of: something.
Stay tuned. I’ll let you know what I come up with.