News and News and Butterfly Horses

I’ve been down with the cold from hell: sick sick sick with lots of fun snot. Ew! But that has not been stopping the good life from coming my way. I have a ton of news. It’s been piling up since you’ve been away, and now I must release the horses before I explode with butterflies.

Last Saturday I was in the LA Times in an article about Self Help Graphics. They mention my print and a little background about my parents (the people in the print). Since I’ve been sick, I haven’t been able to go and sign my prints, but I think I’m going to be doing that on Tuesday.


Then I found out that Otis College of Art & Design bought a copy of my Artist book, 1-SELF. A couple days after that, so did the Brooklyn Museum! Isn’t that crazy awesome? They both also have Sweetnsour Pie too.

Well, it gets even better, Jack. Because this morning I also got word that it’s been accepted into Bibliothèque Kandinsky Artists’ Books Collection at the Centre Pompidou in Paris! Hot diggity popsicles! That’s just amazing. I am thrilled.

By French coincidence, I also sold my 3rd drawing to a new collector in Paris. The new canvases and panels I just ordered from CKS just got paid for. Woot! And a Hootnhollar! Being sick never felt so good.

I’ve managed to paint a little bit while being down. Over the last week or so I added more American Way pages and finished up this painting I started about 3 months ago:

I finally named it Eve’s Dilemma and it’s 30 x 30 inches with Oil, manila paper patterns, thread, embroidery and pencil on canvas. You can find a detail of it here.

You’d think that would be enough already, but I was also asked to show 30 pages from the An American Rhapsody series, along with 1-SELF and All Done But None, and this piece below in an exhibit at Seattle University’s Center for the Arts:

The show is called “Bookish” and also features David Bunn and Leo Morrissey.

In other news, I put up a new Artist Feature on the Picklebird Blog. I also went to visit Yolanda Gonzalez yesterday at her open studio. Her paintings are so wonderfully inspiring, colorful and bold. I was able to score this beautiful print:


“Portrait of Katja in Red Reboso” by Yolanda Gonzalez.

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