Not Dead Yet

Welp, so far, I’m still alive. I guess I’m hanging in there. As I write this, I’m approaching my first post-operative appointment.

I thought the first few days were going to be the worst of it, but they were relatively great compared to the following few. The pain has been a bit of a roller coaster. I thought I’d be a better soldier. Seems I’ve been through a lot worse. But maybe not?

Right now, I itch like a mother. I am wearing a binder that I haven’t been able to take off for a week, and I have to continue to wear it and sleep on my back for another three weeks. I don’t mean to complain, but I’m thoroughly uncomfortable.

However, I get to see what I look like for the first time tomorrow morning. I’m excited beyond words.

I just want to focus on healing the best way possible and look forward to my new life. I’ll be glad when I no longer need pain meds, but right now, they are a godsend.

And that’s my little check-in for the time being.

2 thoughts on “Not Dead Yet

  1. lindacbugg March 29, 2021 / 7:01 pm

    I’m glad everything is going OK!

  2. Carol Es April 2, 2021 / 9:47 am

    Thanks Linda. So far so good. I’m back home now resting, which is all good. Hopefully, I’ll be more communicative soon. <3 Hope you're well.

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