Suffering Succotash

This just in!

All this talk about Carol Es une Monographie de Lignes. All this work. All the drawing is easy. I love it.


But all the scanning. All this Photoshoping – cleaning up little specks and pencil markings, discolorations and formatting the images – it’s all been getting to me. It’s just taking a long fucking time and I have been obsessing over it way too much, and that’s MY fault. I created my own deadline, and I create my own suffering. Me and only me. I do this to myself!

I think I can’t go back into the studio until I accomplish x,y, and z. I’m not the only artist that does this. It’s common. At least it’s common for those of us that are dedicated to the work. It’s a workaholic thing too. Either way, it’s some bullshit. We don’t have to do anything. Not if we invented it in the first place. We can create, and uncreate. Invent, and uninvent.

I invented this deadline for a few reasons and none of  those reasons are important enough that I can’t change it. In fact, I’m not even going to make a date! Carol Es une Monographie de Lignes will get done when I finish it. It is hereby a “spare time” project. I’ll work on it (in Photoshop) when I’m bored. It is no longer the “front burner” project. In fact, there is hereby NO front burner project!



The only thing I “have to” do is make a pin drawing on a small panel, then map out a few more as an installation I will be doing at the Palm Springs Fine Art Fair February 13-16, 2014.


For now, I would like to get back into the studio. That is, if I have my own permission.

May I Carol?

Yes Carol, you may.

Okay. That’s it.

Now, before I forget, I would like to take the time to thank my friend Peter Clothier for mentioning me and my blog on his much more interesting blog, The Buddha Diaries. If you get a chance, please check it out because, not only is Peter a wonderful writer of art, art criticism, fiction and poetry, but he writes about everything under the sun, moon, and stars – including his personal life (and personally, I find that stuff the most interesting – the voyeur I am) – and, you just might find yourself discovering new things about the spiritual self you didn’t know you had. Seriously!

Also, I know it’s late in the fast-pace game of the art world and the world of media, but Mat, if you’re reading this, or if not (either way), I wanted to congratulate my good friend Mat Gleason for getting the cover of Arts and Culture section of the LA Times! A full article was written about Mat and Coagula, and the gallery, which you can read on line here. Mat doesn’t need the LA Times to legitimize his place in the Los Angeles art scene. We all know who he is and have seen the no-bullshit empire he has organically built from the ground up, honestly, 99% all by himself – punk rock style – over the last 20+ years. I just think the article is a damn BIG deal. At the same time I think it’s funny how long it takes the mainstream NEWSpaper to catch on to the Truth.

3 thoughts on “Suffering Succotash

  1. mark strunin December 18, 2013 / 3:15 pm

    Carol! The Temple elected me President for the next two years. I need to connect the Temple to you and your art. We need to have a pow-wow. Please be in touch. Mark Strunin

  2. Carol Es December 18, 2013 / 8:43 pm

    Hi Mark!

    I think you never got my email congratulating you about you getting the Prez position. I will write you again, or try to find the original email I wrote. Either way, I need to find out your sched so we can get together and I can also get back to shul. 🙂

  3. Peter Clothier December 19, 2013 / 7:22 am

    Thanks for the nice plug, Caro, and for your words about The Buddha Diaries. “Much more interesting?” No, I’m fascinated by your observation of your own process. And congratulations on the decision to put the nitty-gritty work aside and get back to the studio. I like the pin piece! Cheers, P

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