Building Your House Part 1

Building your art practice can be daunting yet full of fun and joy. Unlike constructing an actual domicile, there’s no one right way to do it since art is subjective, not exactly physical.

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Oh No, Not More Writing!

I mentioned before that I’m not an “expert” on goals. Yes, I’ve reached some of my ambitions. But, by no means have I realized them all. Like, I still haven’t won the MacArthur Genius Award. I’ve never shown in the Whitney either. Of course, I have plenty more that are much more attainable, thank Jesus. But I mean, why listen to me, of all people? 

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Anonymous was an Artist

I am part of a few different online forums, some showing my identity and some of which I’m anonymous. It took me a while before I realized how much easier it is to post anonymously. 

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