Creativity: Sharing a Process

Creativity is probably my favorite subject of all time. It has a number of definitions that I like pulling apart and discussing with anyone who’s interested. Are you?

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Building Your House Part 1

Building your art practice can be daunting yet full of fun and joy. Unlike constructing an actual domicile, there’s no one right way to do it since art is subjective, not exactly physical.

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Sometimes I have a hard time starting, and at times, that is the bane of my existence. But once I start, it’s all good; it’s smooth sailing. I know this in my analytical mind, and yet I seem to ignore it every time. Why do I do that? I don’t even know. But I’m sure a lot of people have this problem, no?

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Working it Out

As usual, I’ve been up to no good. That’s “slang” for being overly busy.

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