Back to Work & Sticker Shock

I’m still working on the Discarded Snapshots series, but it’s been super slow-going. I’d been run down and taking a lot of naps. That didn’t fully stop me from “working” though. My brain is always going and I painted whenever I could stand for any extended amount of time. However, I had no other choice than to listen to my body. I had to take a ton of breaks.

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Coping Ahead

As of this past weekend, my most recent show, THIS LAND, ended. I thought about going out there on the closing day, but I didn’t. Instead, I went to get a COVID booster and took it easy. I’ve been feeling a bit sick ever since. Good thing I’ve been resting.

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I Can’t Paint Like That

I know, I know. My next blog post was going to be about being queer, but I’ll have to get to that later. Today I want to talk about painting. Oh, how boring!

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Sometimes I have a hard time starting, and at times, that is the bane of my existence. But once I start, it’s all good; it’s smooth sailing. I know this in my analytical mind, and yet I seem to ignore it every time. Why do I do that? I don’t even know. But I’m sure a lot of people have this problem, no?

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