Working it Out

As usual, I’ve been up to no good. That’s “slang” for being overly busy.

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Since the dog fiasco, I’ve actually been getting a lot of work done. I recently stopped deleting items off my to-do list when I finished them and instead am putting a checkmark in front of them. It’s fucking genius.

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Working, Working, Working

Working helps keep my mind off my troubling thoughts for the most part, but not always. I can often get too deep into my crazy brain when making art if I’m not careful, especially while doing repetitive work. And that’s what I’ve been doing.

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Kink in the Plans

Welp, the cigar boxes I bought for the new Artist’s book aren’t going to work. They are slightly too shallow for the items that go in with the book. What a fucking bummer. Good thing I didn’t cut any paper!

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