Since the dog fiasco, I’ve actually been getting a lot of work done. I recently stopped deleting items off my to-do list when I finished them and instead am putting a checkmark in front of them. It’s fucking genius.
I’m finally feeling a sense of accomplishment. When I was deleting the items, and adding more, I felt like I was running in place. I don’t even know why I started doing it that way because I didn’t do that while back. What changed? I have no idea. And who cares? I’m back on a better path and I have checkmarks all over the list.
Today I finished the last drawing that’s going in the installation for the show. Maybe it’s more like a doodle. It’s on a Thomas Bros. map page.
I’d thought about doing another photoshoot as well, but I may not need to. I’m pretty sure I have enough photos. However, now that I think about it, I may want a small handful of some abandoned homesteads. That’s what I’d planned on. Might as well do it. It’s not like I won’t have time. I’m way ahead of schedule now.
I didn’t think I’d say that—that I’m ahead of schedule, but here I am. I have a couple of paintings to make and a few details to tend to. I’m hoping it’s smooth sailing from there unless something unforeseen comes up.
I’m hoping for a few things to fall into place. Like, I hope that all the framing will be done when I go back to Los Angeles. It’s possible only some will be, in which case I may have to make another trip. I’m also hoping the gallery installers will put up my vinyl Joshua tree, which I haven’t yet mentioned. It’s going to be part of the drawing wall. It’s an ink drawing I made into a giant decal. Should be interesting. At least it is in my brain.
I’ve been simultaneously working on special VIP promo packages. I know I’ve mentioned those before. I was waiting on some kraft pocket folds that I could only get in the UK, and they arrived yesterday. I stuffed them with my Save the Date postcard, a drawing sample, and a desert photograph this morning. Then, I tied a string of jute around it and it looks pretty cute. It goes inside the promo boxes, which are sturdy cardboard, but they look like distressed wood.
Everyone on the VIP list also gets a free poster. I’ve been trying to score them so that they’ll fold to fit into the box. The paper is a bit thick—thicker than I wanted—so that’s been tricky and time-consuming. But I only have to get eighteen of them folded to the best of my ability, you know, without ruining them.
Today I plan to take a few pictures of the other things that are going into these promo packages; other stupid little goodies, like a vial of desert sand, sunscreen, chapstick, and a compass to get yourself home in case you get lost in the desert. Hopefully, all this will be a little more memorable than an email invite or a postcard. Plus, I like doing this kind of shit.