I don’t know why I’m up so early. I mean earlier than usual. The clocks went back this morning, so this is extra bad, and I stayed up late last night. I did this on purpose because I’m trying to train my body to stay up late and stop waking up so early so I’ll be able to deal with my show opening. Fail.
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One of Thirty
Just when I thought I may have had a little bit of time to work on my Discarded Snapshots paintings, I wound up getting obsessed with the VIP promo packages I’m making for the special dinner during the first week of my show, On the Mend, in November. It’s going to be here before I know it.
Continue readingSick of Being Sick
I haven’t “blogged” in a while now, not because I didn’t have anything to say but because I haven’t been able to put my thoughts into words or focus. It’s because I’m still in a funk after getting over a month-long upper respiratory infection. If you didn’t hear me, I said a month.
Continue readingMore to Go
Until I can get my blog working correctly, I’ve been slowly working on my various “projects.” What else to call them? Artworks? They are the paintings, the embroideries for the wall installation, the sculpture, and all the other shit. It’s a lot.
Continue readingStill Chippin’ Away
I was supposed to go to Bakersfield today, but the trip was canceled at the last minute. I’ll have to go on a different day. Oh well.
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