Just when I thought I may have had a little bit of time to work on my Discarded Snapshots paintings, I wound up getting obsessed with the VIP promo packages I’m making for the special dinner during the first week of my show, On the Mend, in November. It’s going to be here before I know it.
This was all I got done on the next piece in that series before I got into the promo packs:

These promo packs are limited, as there is only room for 30 guests at the table. I’ve never had a dinner for a show before, but I’ve created interesting promotional packages for my shows in the past. This one has got to be the most elaborate so far. If you aren’t one of the thirty people to get invited, I deeply apologize, but I’m still going to share some of the aspects of the package here because I’ve been putting a lot of work into it. Compound has been assisting me with this, which I very much appreciate.
Since the theme of the show is all about healing, the items in the promo package come in a first-aid pouch that looks like this:

It won’t just have a show postcard inside, nor an invite to the dinner. No. That would be boring. Instead, the invite is on a make-shift Campbell’s chicken soup can. The label looks like this:

Other items inside include:

The show postcard, of course, meditation cards, Dan stickers, a pocket brochure about Dan, a “Call a Friend” reminder card, a 2oz bottle that will have chamomile inside, a needle and thread for sewing up wounds, and a little tin that will hold custom band-aids, antiseptic pads, and small, folded affirmations.

Right now, I’m working on the affirmations. They come inside black origami wallets, which will be placed inside the tin. There are four affirmations inside the wallet.

It’s been taking some time.
After this, I’ll be printing the brochures and the soup cans, then carefully placing the labels on the cans. Then, I have to squeeze chamomile into those amber jars. Believe it or not, it all fits nicely into the pouch.
After this, which has to be done first, is possibly one more painting, which will need to be done right away for drying purposes. Then I still have to finish up my floor sculpture. There are still some details I need to do on those embroideries, too.
Other than that, I have to record a podcast before the end of this month that will probably align with the show. It will be put up on Compound’s website at some point.
But I do have almost 12 weeks left (mostly part-time days) to dedicate to the rest of the work. I also have to fit in life, meetings, doctor appointments, and two trips. Installation will take a lot of time in November, but at least they’re giving me plenty of that, so that’s nice.
Twelve weeks seems like a lot, but I’ll tell you right now, from experience, it’s just not. I’m a slow worker, and I don’t work day and night anymore. I suffer from a ton of fatigue because of my disability. I’m surprised I work as much as I do. And the distraction of work helps my mind, so I do it as much as possible.
Speaking of which, I gotta get back to it.