I’ll Rest in February

This is the last week of my show, On the Mend. It ends on Sunday. Whew! In many ways, it seems like it went on forever. It was a long show with lots of programming. This past Sunday, I led a multimedia workshop that turned out pretty well. I anticipated the worst, of course, but everyone seemed to really like it. I should learn to be optimistic already.

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I don’t know why I’m up so early. I mean earlier than usual. The clocks went back this morning, so this is extra bad, and I stayed up late last night. I did this on purpose because I’m trying to train my body to stay up late and stop waking up so early so I’ll be able to deal with my show opening. Fail.

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Slow & Stressed

I’m still not painting, yet I’ve been working. Days rush by, and my To-do list is getting smaller, but I can’t seem to get off my ass to paint. It’s really bumming me out. It’s making me feel like a lazy bum. I feel like I used to paint every day. I mean, I did. Maybe I just didn’t have a shitload of other things to do at the same time? I don’t know. Getting the show prepared is all that’s going on right now. I have no time for anything else.

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Obsessed, Lazy, Confused

I’ve been obsessed with researching everything regarding my surgery and all things trans. I’m focused on healthily losing weight. (I have lots of attention on that one.) I’ve been making consultation appointments with various doctors for second and third opinions, figuring out my aftercare, What city it’s going to be in, etc. All of this, but I’m entirely lazy about getting back to art.

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