Slow & Stressed

I’m still not painting, yet I’ve been working. Days rush by, and my To-do list is getting smaller, but I can’t seem to get off my ass to paint. It’s really bumming me out. It’s making me feel like a lazy bum. I feel like I used to paint every day. I mean, I did. Maybe I just didn’t have a shitload of other things to do at the same time? I don’t know. Getting the show prepared is all that’s going on right now. I have no time for anything else.

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So, I’ll be honest. I’m not doing very well. I don’t even know if I’ll be posting this. I’m just going to type and see where this leads me. Here goes nothing…

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Dear Younger Self: Advice From A Wise You

If you could tell your younger self anything at all about art and being an artist, what would it be? What kind of advice would you give them? How would you help them? Would your younger self even listen to you? I know mine wouldn’t! I thought I knew everything. Ha ha.

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Chicken or Egg? (An Existential Crisis)

Ah, the eternal question. The eternal answer: I don’t know. Does anyone know what came first? Does anyone know what comes first in life and art? I mean, according to Ayin? Ha ha ha. Well, in art, it seems the obvious answer would be the work itself. A lot of artists say that. But it’s not. Not exactly.

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