I’ll Rest in February

This is the last week of my show, On the Mend. It ends on Sunday. Whew! In many ways, it seems like it went on forever. It was a long show with lots of programming. This past Sunday, I led a multimedia workshop that turned out pretty well. I anticipated the worst, of course, but everyone seemed to really like it. I should learn to be optimistic already.

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Projects and Brain Cooties

My Medicine Dan book edition is finally finished! I fully completed them on Saturday. The only little thing I’m waiting on is two Plexiglass box replacements, which are on the way. No biggie.

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Fleeting Happiness & Satisfaction

I’m about to send out my latest newsletter tomorrow morning, so if you’re not on the list, get on it! I’m about to have a huge sale for the holidays. Don’t you want to know about it?

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So, I’ll be honest. I’m not doing very well. I don’t even know if I’ll be posting this. I’m just going to type and see where this leads me. Here goes nothing…

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Latest Lately

I hadn’t planned on returning to the gallery until the Artist’s Talk on October 1st, but I’m heading out again tomorrow morning to hang out for the day and deliver some of my new catalogs.

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