This is the last week of my show, On the Mend. It ends on Sunday. Whew! In many ways, it seems like it went on forever. It was a long show with lots of programming. This past Sunday, I led a multimedia workshop that turned out pretty well. I anticipated the worst, of course, but everyone seemed to really like it. I should learn to be optimistic already.
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I can never remember what I’ve actually been doing with my time. All I know is that I seem to always be busy. How does that happen? I don’t even know. Meetings, trips, emails, doctors, packaging art, errands, and organization. Why does everything take so long? And why can’t I find time to paint?
Continue readingWorking it Out
As usual, I’ve been up to no good. That’s “slang” for being overly busy.
Continue readingA Whole New World
Well, that was different! I mean, like night and day. Last weekend we sat and did crossword puzzles for hours onĀ end, bored off our asses. After this weekend, I’m just exhausted beyond belief. Pooped I tell ya! It was nonstop standing and talking. Busy, busy, busy…
Continue readingMaking a List, Checking it twice
Today I allocated some time to paint. Will I? I hope to, but we’ll see. Since the last week was so busy, I just want to rest.
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