Sick of Being Sick

I haven’t “blogged” in a while now, not because I didn’t have anything to say but because I haven’t been able to put my thoughts into words or focus. It’s because I’m still in a funk after getting over a month-long upper respiratory infection. If you didn’t hear me, I said a month.

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Projects and Brain Cooties

My Medicine Dan book edition is finally finished! I fully completed them on Saturday. The only little thing I’m waiting on is two Plexiglass box replacements, which are on the way. No biggie.

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A Week Away

So there’s only one week left before the open studio event. Am I ready? Well, I think so, but unfortunately, I’m pretty much left to my own devices to promote it due to misprints in the organization’s official catalog. Waaa.

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Distractions and Interruptions

Is it the ultimate distraction (distraction from my mental problems), or do I just like to keep busy? I think it’s both. I have had lots going on lately, which I think is all good really, but today I’ll be doing a variety of things. That’s fine, but I find that kind of thing to be more along the line of interruption than getting various things done. Jeez, I’m never satisfied, am I?

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Getting Somewhere

I’m happy to say that I think I’m getting somewhere with prepping the garage space for the open studio event. Maybe it’s looking a little better than I thought it would. Not thrilling, but better…

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