Is it the ultimate distraction (distraction from my mental problems), or do I just like to keep busy? I think it’s both. I have had lots going on lately, which I think is all good really, but today I’ll be doing a variety of things. That’s fine, but I find that kind of thing to be more along the line of interruption than getting various things done. Jeez, I’m never satisfied, am I?
I’ll mostly be working on a larger watercolor today—one I started painting on Friday, I think. Was it Friday? It doesn’t matter. I sketched it out even before my surgery, so it’s been sitting around for a really long time. I worked on the more detailed parts of it first. I’m about to move on to the more fun parts, once I do the mailbox and the Joshua tree.

It’s only six-thirty-something a.m. now, so I have a little while to work on this until therapy at 9:00, and then I have to get ready to take a painting to Gallery 62 for the Hwy 62 Open Studios Art Tour group show. Everyone gets to show a piece in the two galleries: Gallery 62 and Joshua Tree Art Gallery (JTAG). It’s over 165 artists. I’m showing this one:

From the galleries, I have to hop over and pick up catalogs and signs for the open studios event at another artist’s studio in Yucca Valley. I should be back here for lunch and can continue to work on the watercolor if I’m not too tired. I get tired pretty easily ya know. Especially after talking to people. This event is going to wipe me out.
I’m practically done with the garage now. Not much more to do really. I mean, we are still going to set up a computer kiosk with my website on it so people can look at other available work. If I have it here in storage, I can pull it out for them pretty easily, but I already have a lot of stuff displayed here, as you can see:

I still plan on sticking prices up on this wall of works on paper, and I’ll be putting another (third) table out to display my Artist’s books and whatnot. I spent most of the weekend organizing my portfolio books with less expensive works on paper for people to flip through. I’m still deciding if I’m going to mark every single page in those books with prices or not, which would be a major pain in my ass, but what else am I going to do?

I made a price list for all the hanging paintings though. I thought that was going to take forever, but it only took all of Sunday morning. I made four copies in case people wanted to carry them around. They are marked with images of the paintings, so it’s pretty self-explanatory. Plus, I made a folder with my resume in case people wonder why my prices are sorta high. I don’t want to have to answer to anyone, but I anticipate having to justify things anyway. I don’t know why. I just do. I’ve had open studios in the past and you’d be surprised at what people say.
But overall, I’m going to be done way ahead of schedule, which I wasn’t expecting at all. I didn’t even think I’d be finished with one Outlander book, let alone all of them. I can’t believe I sold one already, and I even have one placed with Vamp & Tramp now. I only have three left here. I can’t believe it. I’m speedier than I gave myself credit for. But when do I ever give myself credit for anything?
This is so great!!
Do you mind if I share this on my FB wall?
Let me know 🙂
Thank you Linda. Please do! 🙂