Top Secret Disclosures

I was talking about my 5-year plan before and I thought about how top secret they were. Then I thought again about how stupid that was. Why do artists keep their shit so secret? Are my ideas so great that people are going to steal them? Yeah right. Fuck that. If people want to take my ideas, great. Let them. They’re not going to. They’re really not all that great to begin with. Secondly, if they were to take them, they wouldn’t be executed the same way anyway.

So here’s how my 2011-2016 plan is scribbled in my moleskin notebook. I’ll go over some of the items to explain. Some are brought over from 2010.

Land a NYC gallery

Build a paper drum set
This will be actual size and made out of manila pattern paper. Then I think I will pour paint on top of it. Haven’t decided yet.

The Brief Case Project
This is a metal briefcase that contains original, miniature paintings of large scale paintings that travel with me like a salesman.

Ethereal Research Labs
An Editions project of soft sculptures in Erlenmeyer flasks that are tagged as scientific specimens.

Win another big grant

Mount 2 solos shows and 1 solo museum show

Get a painting in a museum collection

Land a Berlin gallery

Sell a painting for at least $10k

Do an artist’s residency for at least a month at Yaddo, MacDowell, or Millay

Create 2 new bodies or work
The first one consisting of mainly coffee stains on raw canvas, colored underpaint, black and brown thick covered oil paint with scraffito design scratchings revealing the color underneath and embroidered outlines. The edges will be penciled notations.

Make 3 new artists’ book editions

Have the 1st draft of the novel completed
I have been working on a novel for a while now. Very slow going, but I guess you’d call it creative non-fiction. It’s the full story of my life and all the people in it and it’s unapologetic.

Do a large embroidery on a hospital gown

Finish the Picklebird database
Picklebird is my database of all the art and books I have collected in my entire lifetime (the good stuff anyway). I intend to make it an online public collection.

Create a short animated film about my family

Build an interactive character blog
This is something that will be released with my novel, but I will be working on it beforehand. It is basically a site with a multi blog section and interactive functions that the user can have with my illustrated and animated family members.

So There you have it. That’s the plan. Fingers and toes crossed.

3 thoughts on “Top Secret Disclosures

  1. Elaine Mari February 4, 2011 / 3:47 pm

    Wow. Very impressive, nobody would steal your ideas, who has the energy? Terrific ideas though.

    I plan to paint 30 paintings (more if possible), get them in a gallery and sell them.

  2. hoochmonkey9 February 4, 2011 / 4:33 pm

    “Do a large embroidery on a hospital gown.”

    love that idea. can’t wait to see it.

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