Earlier this week, I sent out a new mid-spring newsletter. Did you get it? I decided to send them out more often. I don’t want people to forget about me. I don’t want to become irrelevant. Whatever that means.
I’m still all into the bag paintings. I finished the first one and have been getting into the details with designing the other dozen or so. There’s more than a dozen, but I’d like to have a strong fifteen. The first one, which is probably more like the prototype, but I’m calling it Catechism.

I’m just now finally working on the second one. I’ve been having some time issues because I started a 24-week DBT class, and there’s intensive homework every week. DBT stands for dialectical behavioral therapy, which is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that teaches people how to live in the moment, cope with stress healthily, regulate emotions, and improve relationships with others. I need help in all these areas, like mad.
The second bag piece has a composition a lot like the first one because I originally intended it to be the official “first,” but because I ran into a few technical issues with that one, I changed it so I could still proceed with it and have two. The second one will look more like this:

I was also waiting on pink fabric to arrive. Because of the coronavirus, all deliveries from here to Kingdom Come have been delayed. And I still don’t have all the material I need to do the third bag piece, which requires a bunch of larger pink swatches to fill in a circle. I posted that composition in my previous blog post, but here it is again:

In other news, I keep having thoughts and dreams about doing some kind YouTube series, but it’s never clear as to what it’s about, kind of like this blog. Are they tutorials? “Watch me make stuff?” A virtual artist advice series? A puppet show? All three? I just don’t know. Once I do, you’ll read about it here first.