Well yesterday was busy. I’m a bit wiped out. I installed my drawing installation at the gallery for the On | Paper show that opens on Saturday at George Billis in Los Angeles (hope you can make it) and it took nearly all day. Every time I install this thing, it’s a bit different each time, and for some reason this time it took a lot longer than it has before. I cannot figure out why though. Maybe I’m just turning into molasses.
I have some brand new drawings in the show too, some that I made out in the desert, and a few that I’ve made a while back that I have never showed before. There was one piece that I was going to show, but I could not find it anywhere! I looked and looked, but I just could not find it – and I’m organized too, so organized. I don’t know what is going on. I know it’s in these chest of drawers right next to me, but they are just not there where I can see them. Maybe they are there, but my eyeballs refuse to indicate them. Maybe my brain will not register these series of drawings, or that particular book of artworks. It’s a whole series of little paintings on Thomas Bros. map pages and I had them all in one book together, and now? What on earth? I cannot locate them, so the one I was going to have in the show will not be there. Two of them will be there though… I think. If the gallery hangs them. They will at least be on hand. Those were already framed on the wall in my studio, so I was able to locate those, but not the rest of them. Where oh where can they be?
So, last minute, I had to come up with some alternative. I found one last stove print. It’s a drypoint that I made in 2007. I have already sold out the edition a long time ago. This was a test print. I decided to paint it pink with watercolor and pin it into a little frame. It turned out pretty cute. I hope someone will want it, especially because there isn’t another one like it. Oh, I’d show you a picture if I was smart enough to snap one, but I was in a giant hurry when I finished it. Poof! Off to the gallery I had to go. I framed it once I got there and I had to get right to work on the diary wall.
I hope you post some pictures of the show.That would be nice.Have fun.