Finally, I finished one of my biggest projects ever. It might bore you. It might not sound like it’s all that. It might not make you read past this paragraph. But I completed every description in my database of, now 1,001 artworks.
It’s come at a great time too. I only just finished my 1,000th painting, and the 1,001st to boot. Both are oil paintings.
Horse Thoughts is 24 x 18 inches on linen:
Belly is 20 x 16 inches on canvas:
I’ve been spending years trying to catch up with writing different descriptions of paintings for my website, as well as making corrections on the back-end: who I sold the pieces too, at which date, for how much, etc. And a lot of it was typed all willy-nilly, so I corrected the grammar and all that as well.
Now to move onto the next project. Something even more overwhelming. The sketches database; every sketch I’ve done that I can find. If you think 1,001 is a lot, I know I’ve done at least one sketch per painting, if not two. Then, there are all the rough ideas I drew in sketchbooks, scraps of paper, or whatever else. I guess those would be part of my Personal Sketches. On my site, those are not in any database yet.
Over the last year, I’ve managed to enter about fifty pieces in the new “Sketches” database. That was whenever I had “spare time.” That’s not even a small chunk. Most aren’t even scanned yet. I have years ahead of me on that one. And none have names or anything. They’ll have to have descriptive names, not really titles.
I’m also trying to brainstorm some kind of online art event or exhibition, but I don’t know what to do yet. Something different and not Covid-related. Maybe something to celebrate my 1,001 paintings accomplishment or something. I don’t know yet. I thought of making a web page of every tenth or twentieth painting I’ve done in concession. Whichever ones are available, I can put on sale. But I don’t know if that idea is interesting enough.
I’ll keep thinking about it.
On another last celebratory note, I am up to an eighteen-pound weight loss since I began my diet. It’s taken a long-ass time and has been extremely difficult. The cards are stacked against me because of all the medications I take. They kick my metabolism’s teeth in. If I slip even a little bit, I have historically gained much more back, so I have to be careful. But I still have a long way to go to reach a healthy weight.
So glad to have relocated your blog. Just finished your book and really enjoyed it. What a journey you’ve had! I found myself googling the bands, artists, etc, and enjoyed those, too.
Wow, Cindy. That is so much appreciated! Thank you thank you. 🙂