Currently what? It’s been a little while because of a bunch of stuff. My eyes, my mind, my life, and we moved my art storage this past Thursday. All my artwork is home now, some 200 pieces or so.
I wound up hiring professional movers because it wasn’t much more expensive than if we did it ourselves with a U-Haul. Once everything was here, it took me two days to organize everything. It’s been overwhelming.
Though I had to pay to do this, it’s going to save me a lot of money in the long run. The garage is not temperature controlled, but it doesn’t get all that hot or cold because of the drywall.
Taking physical inventory is so much easier now! I have a database, which is pretty foolproof, but sometimes I forget to enter the location of my work. Some of it gets sold, or it’s at a gallery or something. I know about it in my head but won’t enter it in the database at times. Now I can easily walk in the garage and see if I have it.
These shelving units are holding about 45 pieces each. There are 123 paintings in total here. That doesn’t count for the forty-nine inside of boxes, and all my soft sculptures. I don’t even want to know how many artworks I have sitting in flat files! I forgot about those.
A few of my own hang inside the house. I’m not counting those. And I have at least forty-five more pieces out on consignment. Oh, dear, that’s a lot of work.
Also in the garage are roughly twenty paintings by other people that aren’t hanging in my house. I have two large boxes of other people’s 3D work as well. Too much stuff! No wonder I’d been secretly wishing for an accidental fire.
At least I found about ten blank canvases or panels for future paintings. I won’t have to buy anything for a while. When I complete those, I will feel very conflicted about buying more, only to increase my storage problems.
I haven’t had much time to paint, but my 1000th painting, Horse Thoughts, is nearly complete. I only need to paint the horseshoe gray. It is oil on linen, 20 x 18 inches.
So my eyes are better. I saw the ophthalmologist. After a few days of using the glaucoma drops, the pressure in my eyes decreased. Now they are within the normal range. Since this is working, I won’t go back until September for test reevaluation. Unless the pressure goes up again, I’ll wait until then, even though he forgot to do my color test when I was there!
I have to do a color test every six months because of a lupus medication I take that has (possible) dangerous side effects, one of them being color blindness. I’m also on an immune suppressant that ups the chances, and I do like colors. A lot.
Anyway, eyes. Yeah.