And we’re back! Been crazy busy with everything in the last weeks–and what else is new? So here’s the news…
In our last episode, I was looking for a new printer and bindery for the special edition of Shrapnel. I found one in Denver, fingers crossed they’re great, and now I’m awaiting the proof. Hopefully the first and only. I’ll have it in-hand by Wednesday. I can’t wait. I’ll admit, I’m scared to have my hopes up. And, I’m up against the clock now. I also changed the colors of the book because I had more choices. You’ll see. Simple, but classic.
Even with all my planning and hard work, I don’t know if can squeak by and make the April 6th release date. April, yes. The 6th? I dunno. We’ll see.
I recently found out that it takes two to six weeks for the book to become available to retailers. This wait time wouldn’t even start until I approve the final proofs–I’m talking about my hard case-bound and perfect-bound paperbacks. All I have now are the uncorrected reading copies, like galleys they’re called. I’ve been waiting for a couple of good reviews to print on the back cover with the synopsis. I haven’t uploaded final files. Once I do that, it will take at least three weeks before I’ll have the physical proofs. Then I make doubly sure they look exactly the way I want, then I start the month-long “go to market” process.
Even IF everything is all good the first time around, I’m looking at a ready-to-purchase date by April 27, and I’d have them at the launch party. Just probably not by the 6th. Not the end of the world, but jeez. But If it doesn’t take six weeks, it can all be done sooner. There’s a chance.
IF I have to go another round of proofs? That would suck.
In the meantime, read this review I got from KIRKUS Reviews! Not bad if I do say so myself. It’s something great to add to the back cover and to the Shrapnel site’s “Praise” page. Many authors have a page on their websites and even in their books titled in this way, or “Praise for “Book Title.” But it’s just now hitting me; I need to call it something else. I’m really not comfortable with that word, “praise.”…Praise Jesus for this book. Bow down and say complimentary things about my work. Ha ha.
I probably mentioned this before, but if you or your pets want to preview the book, or would like to read the whole thing for reviewing purposes, you can join NetGalley and download it for free. This six-week opportunity will end on March 27th.
As for making art, my show, my focus, blah blah–I am doing much, much better on that front. I felt pretty lost before. I was stuck on the whole idea of having to be cohesive. That is just the sort of thing the art world hammers into your head at times. Sometimes you just have to clear your mind and say, “fuck it,” take a breather, and work without thinking. So that’s what I did.
First, I looked through some archive to see if anything clicked. There were certain things in particular that kept screaming at me: unfinished ideas I had more than a year and a half ago. Paintings I started, some unfinished, some started–never finished. Many sketches that were to become paintings. What happened? Oh yeah, I wrote a book!
Now I don’t have much time left. These ideas were all meant to be oil paintings. All I really have is six weeks. I’m still going to doing a few little Thomas Bros. map pages. Maybe seven. And small drawings on pattern pieces. Shit. I’ll just do what I can and mix it all up with older pieces. I’ll see what comes together. I’m still calling the show, “Memoir.” All I have now are the unfinished pieces and mock-ups. I think I can get four new oil paintings done in that time, plus all the paper pieces…then there’s framing. Gah! Someone breathe for me. I don’t have the time right now.
I’d love to read and review this so joined Netgalley, etc. Unfortunately I can’t open acsm files. Adobe Digital Reader needs Mac os 10.8 and I have 10.6. (I don’t use iphone or tablet etc). I checked ‘help’ section at Netgalley. Older versions of ADR not available. I’ll see if I can find another way though. Until then, sending you much love … I know this book — in all its forms and futures — will be a life-changer.
Hi Robin, Thanks for your kinds words and strong interest to read it. I’m sure I can think of something, just email me. Do you happen to have a Kindle?