I’ve been spending too much time trying to update my website. Just doing little tweaks, not so’s anyone would notice—no one, except maybe Google, that is.
SEO is hard. It’s always changing. You have to stay on top of that shit. Even as I’m in the middle of making all the little changes, I recognize it’s only the precursor to what truly needs to be done more thoroughly just a few weeks from now. My work might even be a waste. But didn’t I recently say nothing was a waste? Yeah, I guess I have to remember I say crap like that. It’s essential to stay consistent (some people feel).
I’ve been messing with the header files on my site, i.e., the title, and then the Htags on the index page. I used to come up on the first page of Google in relevant searches, but now it’s pretty much dropped out of sight in the last several weeks. It’s like I don’t exist. I’m not sure what’s happened. It could be a string of code I have in there that’s placed incorrectly, I’m not sure yet, but it’s making me feel like I’ve lost all my Internet clout. I mean, isn’t that all there is???
For years, you could type in Los Angeles contemporary artist, and I’d pop up in the first few results, if not on the top of the search page. But when I moved out here to Joshua Tree, I made a bunch of changes because, even though I still identify as an LA artist and I am from LA, I’m living in Joshua Tree now. I tweaked some wordage on my SEO and fell off the face of Google Earth. Now I’m regretting it and obsessively, yet subtly, rewriting and rewording all the content, including relevant search strings so people can find me in the easiest way possible.
Well, it was something to do today to get my mind off other shit. I’m very grumpy today. I have my reasons. I don’t like admitting to why, but some people can probably guess. A few more days and I’ll be better–one way or another. Plus, recent blood tests that my Rheumatologist sent me today are starting to make me feel like a hypochondriac. I’m just glad I get to talk to her tomorrow to sort it out. She better calm me down. I wish they didn’t send them to the patients before they go over them together. The Internet is a dangerous place for self-diagnosing.
Okay, so I finished the second bag, but I haven’t named it yet. Here it is. It’s starting to grow on me, I think.
Hopefully, they’ll start to grow on other people too. 🙂