Boing. boing, boing, boing, boing…what if I just kept writing that over and over and didn’t stop? Boing, boing boing…how annoying, right? Well I won’t do that to you. I guess it’s spring. The bunnies are all over the place and everything is in bloom. It’s like all the flowers are making that sound every time I see another pop out of a cactus. It’s kind of crazy, it is. I like it.
Yesterday, a big tortoise came to visit us in the front yard to eat some of the premature blooms off of one of the paddle cactus in front of the house. It was so cool because he stayed a while and walked all around the house and near our feet. He didn’t seem too scared of us. Michael even gave him a little water and he had a bit, then went on his way.
Tortoises around here are rare. I mean, they’re around, but you don’t see them every day or anything. You can see them more often around where we live than inside the park or even most neighborhoods. We happen to live in a very special place. We’re lucky that way.

Today IndieReader posted an interview I did with them way back. Feel free to check it out. It was nice of them to post it on their site, and if gives me a little bit of clout, all the better.
I recently sent out a newsletter, please join the list if you didn’t get one. I’ve been work on writing much more than painting–working on the book of short stories and my gender identity book called, Queer as Mud. One day I’ll get back to this watercolor. One day, she says. But will it ever happen?

This is the artwork of the day that I posted on Instagram today. It’s part of the Journal Project. It’s about 5 x 10 inches, pencil and ink, and it’s on a hand-cut manila garment pattern. It’s also very nicely framed for $400.

That’s about all for now. Stay safe and wash your hands.