My New Moleskin

Since 2006 I’ve been carrying around a 5.5 x 3.5 inch moleskin notebook and my trusty space pen. What? You don’t know what a Space Pen is? I love my Space Pen because I can write upside down! I need to do that because most of my crazy ideas come to me when I am half-asleep while lying in bed. When this happens, it’s best not to move too much in order to keep these strange thoughts from falling out of my brain through my ears, so I stay on my back in bed and reach for my little notebook and spacepen and sketch out my little stupid thoughts above me in mid-air — like some kind of drug-induced, make-shift astronaut.

Recently, I started a new moleskin notebook for 2010 called “Welcome to 2010” and the first page reads:

This year you better
Build a paper drums set
& make a book or 2
Draw for 2 weeks straight
Lose weight
Go on a trip …
Learn to work a
Sewing machine
Sew Cloth OnTo Fabriano
Embroider a hospital gown
Make an art brochure
Finish Ethereal Research

Yesterday I meant to take a nap, but FedEx came and brought me my new Singer sewing machine and i spent hours figuring out how to thread it because I don’t know the first thing about it. If I was a REAL woman, I think I’d know how to do this stuff automatically, like cooking and putting on lipstick. I had fun figuring out my new toy, and it is all vintage looking too, see:

I also just ordered my first LINEN canvases! I have never worked with linen before. Isn’t that exciting? I bet you are just jumping up and down and pooping your pants right about now. I’ll let you know how it all goes. I have no idea how different it will be, but I’m very curious to see what is going to happen.

One thought on “My New Moleskin

  1. justine February 2, 2010 / 8:22 pm

    i’m just starting to learn how to use a sewing machine, too!

    i decided it was time i actually learned some useful skills in life, and sewing seemed like one of those skills. jordan bought me a little portable janome for my b’day, which is great because it’s super basic and easy to figure out, but still a really good quality machine.

    good luck with it!

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