I think it has finally stopped raining. I’m afraid to carve that in stone however. We have had record-breaking rain here lately. yesterday, I thought my roof was going to cave in, but it didn’t. I still haven’t check my studio. I’m a little scared to go in there honestly. I am mostly in fear for my friends that live in the hills, particularly my friend Lisa Teasley. Her house is situated so that it scares me the most, so I’ve been thinking about her a lot. I must give her a call.
This rainfall reminds me of a time when I was a kid and it rained so hard that the coffins buried at Beth Olam, (now called Hollywood Forever) were resurrected out of the ground and began floating out of the park and onto Santa Monica Blvd. You think I’m kidding? It’s a true story! It was appalling. Luckily my great grandmother is buried there in a wall tomb near Valentino, so there wasn’t any fear of my family floating down the street, but can you imagine what that was like for the loves ones of the people who were??? Sheesh! What a sight that was.
I got so lucky yesterday, as I drove out to the West side from Pasadena and back before noon and not a drop of water hit my car. In fact, when I got to Bergamot Station, I had to break out my sunglasses. It was blue skies and sunny. I warned a few galleries I visited that they needed to batten down the hatches by 1pm because the Wrath of God was coming, and it did. I pulled up in my driveway at 1:05 and the skies opened up.
While I was at Bergamo, I saw a great show at Luis de Jesus. Very worth checking out. Exciting, funny, interesting, thought-provoking, colorful, and in some ways intense. The artist is Seth Augustine and he went to Asia without knowing the language at all and has come back with quite a wonderful Mash-up, as the exhibition is called.
Today is the last day you can see my solo show on the gallery’s regular hours, otherwise, you’ll need an appointment until the 30th. I must warn you however, not all of the work is displayed, as they have hung a lot of gallery artists for a salon-style holiday show where some of my key pieces were. I am going to post the pieces you’ll miss here if you have not yet seen the show. If you want to see them in real life, just ask the gallery staff and they will gladly pull them out for you…
All the dolls:
And these paintings:
In other news, I just finished all my illustrations for my new book of poetry, Monsters on Jasmine St. and the book is now being produced! There will be 50 soft covers and 26 hardcovers. I don’t know what the price will be, but they will be available soon from Bottle of Smoke Press. I can’t wait. I have seen the prototype and they are bitchen as all hell!
I want a hardcover one personalized. Let me know what I do
Happy New Year to you, Michael and the dogs. Hope to see more of you in 2011.
Just go to the BoSP site and buy a hard cover and next time we meet I will personalize it for you. It will be signed already where it is numbered, or rather “lettered,” but when I see you I will write something extra in there for you in the front. How’s that?