Not too much to tell about my trip this past weekend to the gallery. It was a slow Saturday, but Conan O’Brien and his wife happened to show up that day, and that was quite a treat.
I’m a pretty big fan of his myself. I mean, who isn’t?? He’s one of the funniest people I can think of. I’ve been watching him since the very beginning of his show. I crushed on him for the first few years because he’s so fucking genius-funny. Of course, I didn’t gush when he came into the gallery or anything. I just noticed them immediately because they were looking intently at my work, and he’s undoubtedly recognizable.
His wife, Liza, took a liking to my trailer pieces. She commented about one of the streets out here called Old Woman Spring Road. Bridget, the director, let them know that I was the artist and was hanging out at the gallery for the day and we chit-catted a bit.

Liza walked up to where Bridget and I were behind the counter to comment, “I saw Old Woman Road on one of the maps, and that really spoke to me,” she sorta smiled.
“That speaks to a lot of us,” I said. I don’t know if she heard me. She walked back, and the two of them kept looking at all the maps, seemingly, very happily and studying them.
They stayed for a while looking and pointing at the maps. It kinda looked like they were maybe deciding on one. But I can’t be sure. Craig walked into the gallery and greeted them then offered them a drink (good whiskey!), and Conan said if he drank any of that he’d start beating people up. Ha ha.
Craig then took them into the back and gave them some kind of special treatment back there. I’m not sure what went on, but we also gave them one of my catalogs, which is good.

Before they left, Conan went out of his way and told me that he really wanted to make sure to let me know he thought I was very talented.
Whaaa??? OMG!
“Thank you! I really appreciate that. What a nice compliment,” I tried to say.
Another woman in the gallery overheard and intercepted so she could speak to him, “You’re very talented!”
“Thank you,” he said,” I work in the very low arts.”
Ha! Always joking.
I thought they were going to possibly purchase one of the maps, or? They said they were going to eat and come back, but people always say that. That’s just how things are sometimes.
It was still a cool event nonetheless.
In other news, I posted a little walk-through video of my show here. It’s not professional quality, but it’s not too shabby either.
UPDATE: Conan and Liza O’Brien came back and purchased all six of my trailer pieces on maps! OMG! OMG! OMG! How cool is that???
Ayin – what a wonderful story about meeting Conan and his partner at your exhibition! Reading your piece made me feel like I was there with you. Congrats!
Thank you Gregg. I’ve been thinking about you a ton and hope all is going better or as well as can be expected. Love!!!
Thanks! Love to you – so excited about your show. Hoping to make your artist talk on Saturday
Thank you Gregg. Hope to see ya there…maybe. 🙂
So awesome! Good thing you listened to your intuition and went to the gallery that day! So proud of you my friend, Conan or no Conan…
Thank you! That means everything.
Thank you for sharing your art show works and set up. They are inspiring! I kept thinking of the Dorothy line in The Wizard of Oz of “there’s no place like home”. Whatever home is . . .
Thank you Charyl. It’s so nice to hear these words. 🙂