And isn’t it about time? Still, there’s a bit to go, but the end is in sight. However, I’m again running into issues. But what else is new?
It’s because I’ve never done this kind of binding before. I’m a beginner at this. I’ve bound book #1, which is really mine, so it’s not extremely important to get that one exactly right. And I didn’t! I can always redo it, I guess, but I’ve already run the thread through that one twice. A third time will make it look ratty. It’s just that I missed a loop on one of the signatures. I didn’t notice it until I bound the top and the bottom stitches. Doh! And it’s noticeable. It’s that signature all the way to the left side. Now I’m embarrassed. Don’t look at it for too long.
But then there’s book #5, which I did this morning. (I’m obviously not doing them in any particular order.) I had to run the thread through that one three times. And wouldn’t you know it, I poked a couple of holes through a page or two with the needle where they aren’t supposed to be! I could just fucking die. I won’t even show you a picture of that. It’s a bit mortifying.
I can either redo the sheets of that book and the cover, or just leave it be. I can’t decide what to do with it now. Or maybe it’s not as awful as I think. Another thing is that the needle happened to get caught under the sewn felt Dan and popped his eye out. (OUCH!) I had to glue it back in place. He’s as good as new now, thank goodness.
I’m about to do Book #3 next, but not before I take a nap. I’ve been up since 2:30. Why? because I went to bed at 6:30, and that’s because I’m a weirdo.
And, oh yeah, happy New Year.
A handmade book is a work of art. It’s not supposed to be perfect. Most people won’t even notice things that are “big mistakes” to you. They’ll be too busy being amazed at the work of art in their hands. And it is a work of art.
Thank you. I knew you’d make me feel better. You’re right (not that I think it’s such a “work of art”), but you’re right that I’m the only one that’s going to notice these things. I’m too nitpicky about every little thing. Maybe it all adds to its character. 😉
I love you! Thank you.