Not much here. I’m pretty tired right now and am trying to get motivated enough to get up off my ass. It (my ass) seems to be glued to this chair at the moment.
I’ve been working on my next newsletter which I’ll be sending out on the 22nd of September–this coming Wednesday. It will be the very first day of fall. I like timing these things with the seasons. I’m kinda weird like that. Plus, I want to give people the heads up about the Hwy 62 Open Studio Art Tours as soon as I can, as it starts on the 9th of October. That’s pretty soon. A lot of people will want to book accommodations.
Unfortunately, even though the printed catalogs are finally available for download, the directions to my house are incorrect. It’s very disappointing. There’s nothing I can do about it except to tell my people in my newsletter.
I’m Studio 24 by the way.
Apparently, there is going to be an app that people can use to navigate about the various studios, and I’m told that it will have the correct information in it. But I’m also trying to direct people to the little webpage I made here.
My address is correct in the catalog, just not the directions. I’ll also have a sign on the corner of my block. And with all that, hopefully, people will find me. It’s just another glitch I have to deal with I guess.
The Hwy 62 Open Studio Art Tours website is still not updated (as of today), so I can’t tell you much more than that, or anything about the app. I’ll just have to keep you posted and hope to get more information by the time my newsletter goes out. Fingers crossed.
This past week, I managed to finish painting the cigar boxes for Outlander. I’m pretty sure they don’t need any more coats. Okay, maybe one more for good luck? But now I have to fasten some kind of tab under the lid so it will open easier. I’m not thrilled about that. I haven’t figured it out yet, but I’ll have to. Something made of cloth I guess. Otherwise the lid sticks.
I may stick the lino block printed labels on them today as well, or at least over the weekend. They will look a little something like this:
I also got the new flypaper (the Italian stuff) on Thursday and it’s been sitting under weights ever since. It came rolled and I’m hoping it’s flat enough so I can cut a piece the right size to replace that one that was too narrow.
Other than that, I started doing some quick watercolor washes on book pages. I’ve been meaning to do this for a long time. I’ve had an old hummingbird book that Hannah de-spined for me. I pulled out the pages that were specific to this region (there are only a couple of species that come around here). I put some Joshua Trees on them and inked little spines with a pen. I’m hoping to sell them on the cheap during the open studios. They are 10 x 7 inches and I made ten of them.