Check-in for Now

Been getting lots done lately, since the last week of August. I don’t know how, but I have. I think not paying attention is the key. I haven’t been too worried about it, and I’m giving myself plenty of time to contemplate without stressing. It’s like the best show, timeline-wise, I’ve ever had (so far).

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Healing List

It’s nothing new when I talk about my never-ending “to-do” list. It always changes and morphs anew, but it definitely never shrinks. And it behaves like a tide of overwhelm. Not the whole time, of course—hence the ebbing and the flowing. At least, that’s how I remember it when I lived near the ocean.

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Animal, Mineral, Vegatable

I’ve always had a hard time fitting into boxes. Am I an abstract expressionist painter? Not quite and not consistently. Am I in the category of the Outsider artist or a self-taught artist? Not really. Neither of those titles describes art. They more or less describe an artist’s story. I’ve come to learn those are useless terms. 

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