I can’t believe how hot it was today. 105! And I wonder why I feel like a sloth.
It’s after five now and it’s still 100 degrees out. I just don’t understand it.
I’ve been wanting to write a blog post for a while now, but I’ve either been too hot or too busy. Now that the studio visit has passed, I’m a lot less stressed out. It went well by the way. Marla Berns of the Fowler Museum is thinking about putting together some kind of Kabblah show in the future, so we spoke about that at length, plus she seemed to really like my work in general. It was a fruitful visit.
I also talked to my gallery team about possibly moving my time slot for my show and that’s not going to happen, so I just have to buck up and move my ass. I just can’t waste any time. I just can’t.
Friday, I was able to complete this mixed media painting on the birch panel. It’s 20 x 20 inches, and I am just stuck on what to title it now.
These are the four names I am throwing around in my head:
Front Passage
A Workbench on a Covered Porch that is Practically Built into the Boulders
I will probably just settle on Portico. But what do you think?
Then, this weekend I was able to dabble, or do a little bit of work on this piece that is slowly coming together, little by little. However, I do think I can finish it this coming week because I will have at least three full days I can put into it (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and maybe I can try to work a bit on Saturday again if it isn’t finished by then.
I don’t know. Looking at it again makes me see all the little detail I have yet to do, so I don’t know when I’ll be done with it. I forgot that I was going to have branches coming in on the right in the foreground too, and maybe some other weird stuff just to make it even more: “whaaaah?” But like I said, I don’t have too much time to think about it. This could be a good thing in the long run.
We’ll see.