Good Distractions

Hurray! I did it in record time! I think. I always wanted to make art fast (like I seem to think everybody else does), so I completed all the artwork for my upcoming zine. 

I’m glad it’s just a zine. That’s exactly what it’s fit for. The artwork couldn’t have been appropriate for an Artist’s book. Most of it is simple. I made fifteen watercolors and fifteen ink drawings, and it felt like a lot in a short amount of time. I didn’t mean for the pages to come out even-steven. It just wound up that way.  

It also came out a lot more literal than I’d planned! Had I made this thing as an Artist’s book, I probably would have told the story more obliquely. I could have gone visually abstract with it because it wouldn’t have mattered if it made sense. It has more words than I would have liked, but that’s okay. It is what it is, as the kids say. 

Here’s one or two of the illustrations for your viewing pleasure:

There is a reason I’ve been working so many hours lately. I’ve been off cigarettes for one week today. I didn’t even think I’d make it this long, and I still have my doubts, but as long as I stay super busy and keep my mind occupied, I’ll be pretty okay. Distraction is the best medicine. For everything, it seems.

If COPD doesn’t motivate me to stop, what will? I don’t even want to think about it. My doctors continue to run scary tests, but I feel it can’t be worse. That’s what I think, anyway. Not that I don’t worry. But I can’t because the waiting between answers is endless.

In the meantime, I’m just trying to make more art and distract me, myself and I with other shit. One fun thing is making a list of art supplies for whenever my award check comes. I don’t think life gets any more fun than that. But it’s times like these when I can’t manage to think of what I need. Ha!

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