I keep asking myself that. I really should be making little sketches and watercolors for the open studios tour. Instead, I’m still working on Outlander. I guess I can’t help it.
I’m so close to being done, it’s kinda killing me. I know I can’t finish it yet. It’s just where my head is at right now. I have to finish the watercolor pages, which are taking forever. They are so small and detailed. What did I get myself into?
And I’ve been messing about with how I’m going to sew the binding together and I think I decided to do a “simple” 3-hole pamphlet stitch with a slight variation using two colors of binding thread. I’ll show it to you later when I’ve completed one, or when I have made a sample. Again, here is the cover without a binding.
I also need to move on to other things, like making new art, since I got word yesterday that I’m on the books for a solo show next fall. Hannah and I went out to LA to drop off some new pieces at Craig Krull Gallery. I traded some old ones for some new ones. I also got to meet the new director of the gallery, Alisa. She’s awesome. The current director, Laurel is leaving to study at Oxford. We will miss her!
Craig offered me a solo exhibit next fall and I took it. I’ll be showing with artist Kelly Berg. Craig wants to show all desert-related work, so I have to get my ass in gear. I’ll be making oil paintings, watercolors, and drawings for the show. I just need to come up with a title for it now. And that’s always fun to think about while I work.
We also dropped off three of my pieces to LAC+USC Hospital–a donation for their collection. Then we stopped at Ikea in Covina to get those little flat drawers I spoke about recently. The box weighed like 70 pounds. I’m sure Hannah is not looking forward to putting that thing together this weekend, but it sure is going to be a helpful piece of furniture. It will hold a lot of small artwork.
The Hwy 62 Studios Tour website has been updated, but not completely. At least there’s more info on it though, and the catalogs are coming very soon. It starts just one month from today, so mark your calendars. Right now I am building a webpage with a map to my studio which will be accessible from my News page. So, keep checking back.
I’m still working on getting the garage in order. It’s disorganized again now that I brought back twelve new (old) pieces of art into the space.