I said there’d be a Part 3 to my THIS LAND show story, and it’s a bit overdue now. So, here it is. I’ve been busy with other things. So, sorry for the delay (if you’ve been waiting, that is).
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DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) And The Aftermath: Part II
The next morning was Saturday, the day of my opening at Craig Krull Gallery in Santa Monica. Hannah and I got on the road from Joshua Tree at 10:30 AM and headed for LA.
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This is Part I.
Well, I’m sure all four of you are wondering how the opening of my show went. I suppose I should start at the beginning when I went to install it on the 7th.
Continue readingReady or Not?
My show, THIS LAND is coming so soon. I’m installing it in two weeks. Ready or not? Don’t worry, I’m ready. Not that anyone is worried.
Continue readingMust Have Cookies
Here we are again at the dawn (not even) of a new day, and getting ready for the last days of the Art Tours. If it’s going to be anything like last week, we’re in for a long, draw-out weekend because it was some slim pickings.
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