Psychoactive Summer

I was recently asked to be in a 2-person show next month at the East Village Art Queen Gallery in Joshua Tree by curator Zara Kand called PSYCHOACTIVE SUMMER and I thought I’d share with you some of the work that’s going to be in the show.

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Stuff About Art

Perhaps I should mention again that my virtual show at Craig Krull GalleryAll’s Well in the High Desert, has been up since the 7th.

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Is it Spring?

Boing. boing, boing, boing, boing…what if I just kept writing that over and over and didn’t stop? Boing, boing boing…how annoying, right? Well I won’t do that to you. I guess it’s spring. The bunnies are all over the place and everything is in bloom. It’s like all the flowers are making that sound every time I see another pop out of a cactus. It’s kind of crazy, it is. I like it.

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