Back at It

Once I recovered from that stupid Covid shot, I’ve been slowly getting back to my regular work schedule. I was also able to get started on the big tattoo I’d planned to get across my chest for eons. In fact, it’s very nearly done now.

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Small Disasters & Changes

Well, I actually finished all of the pages of the book yesterday. I can’t believe it! The pages that definitely took the longest (the watercolors) are finally out of my hair.

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Impossible Regret

You can’t regret what you can’t control. It’s impossible.

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Slow Like a Tortoise

Like I’ve stated before, things are going slow around here, but I managed to finish that painting, which I titled, Sprout. It seemed appropriate at the time. I usually title things right when I finish them and forget about it from there on after, kind of like the title of this blog post.

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