I was recently commissioned to create a couple of cards for a new card game that’s coming out soon called Invasion Joshua Tree. I thought I’d show you some shots of it.
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Instead of What
I’m glad the holidays are over, other than the fact I’m not able to spend as much time with mjp. He gets more days off on xmas and New Year, and then it’s back to the grind again. I should be back to painting, I guess. Or, at least I should be doing something else instead of what I have been doing, which would be what, I’m not sure, but I should be doing something else instead.
Continue readingChecking In
I’ve been working on writing the new fall newsletter the past few days, so if you’re not on the list, sign up because I’m going to send it out real soon.
Continue readingDie with the Buffalo
Anyone who knows me knows I have a strange love for the high desert. I say strange only because many people may not see why something so hot and “barren” can be so beloved. To them I say they either haven’t spent the right kind of time there, or they’re probably already at peace with themselves.